The Source
The story of Diavik SourcedTM diamonds began over billion years ago under the subarctic terrain of the Northwest Territories, a vast expanse of snow-covered islands and lakes that remain frozen for up to ten months of the year.
Formed by the fires of creation 160 kilometres beneath this captivating landscape, these terrestrial treasures were discovered in 1991 on a vast northern lakebed that is now the site of the Diavik Diamond Mine. It is here, in one of the most remote and inhospitable locations on Earth, where some of the most beautiful and brilliant diamonds are responsibly unearthed.

Natural Beauty Canadian Provenance

The Diavik Diamond Mine is surrounded by a pristine landscape of vast tundra, frozen lakes and uninhabited islands that it shares with bears, wolverine and migrating caribou.
By innovation and partnership with local communities, the Diavik Diamond Mine limits impact on land, water and wildlife. Mine planning must consider not only the needs of the abundant wildlife, but also the needs of the local communities who have lived throughout these lands for centuries.
The Diavik Diamond Mind brought new opportunities for local training, employment and business infrastructure, as well as economic growth. Today, over 40% of Diavik’s workers are from the north of Canada, nearly half of whom are Indigenous. Diavik also works closely with local companies to assist them in building capacity so they are better positioned to pursue potential future business opportunities.
Ongoing today is an internationally recognised commitment to the protection of the land and the animals and humans who inhabit it. As part of this commitment, Diavik Diamond Mine utilises renewable sources to supplement its energy needs. From 2012, it has operated a hybrid wind-diesel power facility, which generates an average of 17.5 million KWH of electricity annually. In 2023, Diavik commenced construction of an additional solar power plant that will generate approximately 4,200 MWH of electricity annually. This will reduce diesel consumption at the site by around one million litres per year.